Sustainable Systems Method Home

Welcome to the Sustainable Systems Method dedicated website.

The Sustainable Systems Method is a methodology Individuals and teams can use to identify new and innovative ways to be sustainable and more efficient. It can be applied to any system big or small “From Factory to Fridge”.

How does it work?

The sustainable systems method introduces participants to a number of concepts drawn from the Information, environmental and social sciences. The key concepts are then brought together into a conceptual framework and documented on the Concept Model. The Sustainable Systems Method also suggest a number of potential transformations, adjustments and metrics that may be applied to the conceptual model to improve or enhance the sustainability and efficiency of any system.

Participants thus learn to apply the sustainable method to any given system, ideally one that is in their “sphere of influence”. The result is participants can stand back and obtain a holistic view of any system and identify key factors in the systems operation. The conceptual model thus guides the participants to address all the key features of the system and identify what is essential, optional or missing. At this point opportunities for improvement start to become evident.

The Sustainable Systems Method then directs the participants to apply the potential transformations, adjustments and metrics to the specific systems they are familiar with and as a result, key focus areas are identified, opportunities to innovate and actions to take become obvious.

Where to from there?

Once completed, Participants can apply the Sustainable Systems Method to any system they care to, guided by the Concept Model, then generate actions and recommendations to transform, innovate even disrupt the existing system, to improve sustainability and efficiency. We then trust those who know the systems well, to implement changes.

Individuals and Teams learning and adopting the Sustainable Systems Method are encouraged to provide feedback to People, Systems and Things to do the following;

  • Improve the Training Process
  • Improve the Systems Methodology and Concept model.
  • Provide real world examples of lessons learned, both success and failures
  • Provide feedback subject area or industry specific knowledge Improve the Systems Methodology and Concept model or identify a need to develop a sub discipline.

Who can use the Sustainable Systems Method?

  • Individuals and Teams to improve their organisations sustainability and efficiency, to Innovate and look afresh at their Business as Usual practices.
  • Environment and Corporate Responsibility teams
    • to develop their own skills
    • to promote sustainability, Innovation and efficiency throughout the organisation
  • Individuals and families trying to live more sustainable

More to come

We have a lot of content and ideas held offline which will be added here. We will advise with a Post in the SSM News/Blog and its Facebook page. as soon as we add substantial content, along with a mention at People, Systems and things (WebSite News and Facebook)


A People, Systems and Things Initiative